xip: 47
title: Group Chat Permissions
description: This proposal describes a simple, flexible, updatable group chat permissions system.
author: Cameron Voell (@cameronvoell), Eleanor Hofstedt (@eleanorhofstedt)
status: Review
type: Standards
category: Core
created: 2024-05-07
## Abstract
For many compelling group chat use cases—such as those with open invitations, semi-anonymous identities, or a large number of members—a permission system becomes critical for the chat to function effectively. This XIP aims to provide application developers with the tools to implement trustworthy permission features without excessive complexity, while still retaining flexibility.
The following proposal describes how XMTP can use MLS Group Context Extensions to configure which users in a chat are allowed to perform actions like adding or removing group members, as well as who is allowed to modify those permissions over time.
## Specification
### Background
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