When: Every Tue & Thu @ 10-10:30 am PST
Where: link returning soon
January 30, 2025
- [Andrew] - error handling for rate limiting errors. wasm bindings streaming ci fixes.
- [Cameron] - proto/rust content type SDK updates; Multi Remote Attachments XIP published for feedback, fast follow on implementation. Validate DM from your other installation fix
- [Dakota] - HMAC doc review. Async tx PR ready for review.
- [Jha] - XIPs published to forum/repo. XIP-53 up next. disappearing msg doc updates in progress. Node operator criteria docs also up next.
- [Mojtaba] - Key package error handling, better messages, still create group. Broadcast research.
- [Naomi] - Roadmapping decentralization. XIPs, working on getting dates, scoping. mostly converse up next. Release process in progress.
- [Ry] - Browser SDK landing streaming next, update dev tool afterwards.
High Priority Bugs
- Rate limiting handling - Andrew
- DB Locking on second message send in SDKs - Coda
- better handling of installation key errors - Mojtaba
V3 Priorities
- 1000 Person groups - Andrew
- multi remote attachments - Cameron
- App backup - Coda
- Docs + Examples - Ry, Naomi, Jha + All
- Disappearing Messages - Mojtaba/ Naomi
Up Next
- Sync all performance
- Stability release + release process (release process, lock down API, mark as stable, naming of bindings functions etc. )
- Decentralization issues - Issues ยท xmtp/libxmtp ยท GitHub
- Passkey identity - Passkey Identity - secp256r1 accounts ยท Issue #1505 ยท xmtp/libxmtp ยท GitHub
- Solana / Bitcoin support
- Identity updates for showing address Make message sender address visible ยท Issue #1434 ยท xmtp/libxmtp ยท GitHub
- Find Group by list of inbox_ids - Find group by list of inboxIds ยท Issue #1495 ยท xmtp/libxmtp ยท GitHub
- Self Removal - Mojtaba
- Broadcast Channels / Group Containers - MLS Sub Groups
- Group Announcements -paused for now
- Show & Tells
- Standup/ Checkin
Past Stand Ups
January 28, 2025
- [Andrew] - Merged browser streaming. working with Mojtaba on Coinbase syncAllConversations. 1000 person groups.
- [Cameron] - Coinbase troubleshooting. Draft Multi Remote attachment XIP.
- [Dakota] - DB locking - PR for 1 writer, multiple readers. held up by async transactions, working on removing them, getting close. Backup PR addressing questions.
- [Jha] - HMAC keys, dm stitching, push notifications Docs shared, ready for review. Disappearing messages also shared. Doc for inline chat for xmtp.chat. Open for questions on Docs first development.
- [Mojtaba] - disappearing messages worker merged. tests for installation revocation, decreasing time in debug/test. Soft handling for missing / invalid key packages up next.
- [Naomi] - Hiring RN convos. 2 PRS - remove pinned frame url metadata; character limit on metadata fields. Clarifying first release requirements / date => update Thursday. Doc first development helpful for scoping upcoming release.
- [Ry] - DM deeplinking added to dev tool. Looking at added syncAllConversations button. Working on making convos backend public.
Rate limiting issue => prioritize: Bug: Rate limited accounts may retry failed network queries, leading to even higher request rate ยท Issue #1559 ยท xmtp/libxmtp ยท GitHub
next: Bug: syncAllConversations may overwhelm servers when executed from accounts with many conversations ยท Issue #1558 ยท xmtp/libxmtp ยท GitHub
(related to 1558)queueing syncs on a worker thread, look for prior issues.
January 16, 2025
- [Andrew] - browser streaming - fixed missing group messages from stream all messages. sped up wasm streams. stream all messages still blocking in wasm.
- [Cameron] - db locking - Improve libxmtp testing in xmtp-android; legacy reaction json deserialization in libxmtp read for review. Only return default readable last message for conversation list function next(comment).
- [Dakota] - backup - encryption up next. ffi setup in progress, talking with integrators. db locks - inline consent update not simple. make connection pool read only, single write connection behind mutex.
- [Jha] - sync with naomi on push notif dm stitching, getting that out for review
- [Mojtaba] - disappearing msg - new group column, still adding tests. looking for syncWorker test examples.
- [Naomi] - libxmtp - filter by consent states; create groups + dm by inboxId. EthOS - getting them updated (3.0 version), currently creating broken installations. Broadcast channel discussions beginning - starting product doc.
- [Ry] - historySyncUrl active in node browser SDKs + dev tool. syncAllConv button in dev tool.
January 14, 2025
- [Andrew] - Browser streaming - test for stream all messages, benchmarking up next
- [Cameron] - Json deserialization of content types in libxmtp => draft in libxmtp and xmtp-android. Fixed metadata update on empty group. Narrowed db lock on msg send to history sync. remove db req for static functions
- [Dakota] - iCloud backup - future proofing against memory issues. started on compression, looking at encryption next (maybe use iCloud keychain) ; db locking caused by writing in worker ; sync groups whether or not url provided
- [Jha] - tool tip text for xmtp chat. concept doc for conv stitching. disappearing messages next
- [Mojtaba] - disappearing messages - draft PR up - worker for clearing expired messages. copy expiry settings from group to db. revoked installations next.
- [Naomi] - revoked installations thorugh SDKs. refactor client removed from Conversations, other classes. static inbox_state function. update libxmtp to use inbox_id instead of address. offline testing across SDKs. issues diff b/w bindings.
- [Ry] - msg history sync adjustments for browser/node sdk. specify default hist sync url. expose sync all conv in dev tool UI.
January 9, 2025
- [Andrew] - Browser streaming, Stream conversation and stream all messages getting close. Version bump in the browser sdks.
- [Cameron] - Saving reference id for reactions. Bringing it through the sdks. Database locking issue. Not 100% of the time. Fix for it in libxmtp. Json deserialization of content types in libxmtp.
- [Dakota] - Working on iCloud backup. Making it streamable for backup and restore. How to handle old data from a year ago.
- [Jha] - PR open to add a client stack diagram Add client stack info by jhaaaa ยท Pull Request #120 ยท xmtp/docs-xmtp-org ยท GitHub working on HMAC docs. Clarification on Frames docs. Conversation stitching docs.
- [Mojtaba] - PR for disappearing messages. Mutable metadata when we start the message expiration. 2 of the items are done.
- [Naomi] - Clean up and hand off
- [Ry] - Revokation support in the browser sdk. Managing installations. Robust testing in libxmtp for installation revokation. Dev tool is nearing completion. 99% for V1.
January 7, 2025
- [Andrew] - Working on browser streaming. Finishing pull for conversations streaming and moving on to message streaming.
- [Cameron] - Marked ready for review PR that saves reference ids to the database for reactions. Converse is handling reactions. Better idea on content types in libxmtp. Additional work to replace the logic that the apps are doing.
- [Dakota] - HMAC fighting docker and learning go. HMAC is working. Starting on iCloud back up.
- [Jha] - Working on doc ducks in a row. Existing docs and existing functionality in the SDKs. Clarify default order for conversations by jhaaaa ยท Pull Request #119 ยท xmtp/docs-xmtp-org ยท GitHub
- [Mojtaba] - Finish conversation list with last message. Retention policy feat(group): add message expiration to group metadata by mchenani ยท Pull Request #1477 ยท xmtp/libxmtp ยท GitHub.
- [Naomi] - Revocation for an list installations. Conversation list last message performance. HMAC merged iOS Android.
- [Ry] - Added new installation revocation to the bindings. Need to add HMAC to wasm bindings. Lets get better at filing tickets for functionality thats missing from WASM/Node. New copy for DevTool. DevTool release be end of week!
January 2, 2025
- [Andrew] - OOO
- [Cameron] - Changes in libxmtp for filtering messages by content type. Draft PR in Android. Add reaction content type in rust.
- [Dakota] - Hmac is very close to the finishline. Hmac key is empty on the sdk. Updating the test in the example notification server.
- [Jha] - Looking at docs that are up next. Update Halo on message history
- [Mojtaba] - Exposing the last message for conversations. Removing the old functions and adding the options and args. Started looking into disappearing messages
- [Naomi] - Performance coinbase. Hmacs iOS.
- [Nick] - PRs up for review for identity associations. Tricky E2E tests. Looking for code review.
- [Ry] - Focusing on the V3 developer app. Mid next week for XMTP.chat. A few features still need to be added. Hmacs and message history.
December 19, 2024
- [Andrew] - Working on browser streams. StreamAllMessages is still blocking in single thread. Browser apis differing from native streaming.
- [Cameron] - PR up for saving content types to the db in libxmtp. Looking for feedback. Save group message content types by cameronvoell ยท Pull Request #1435 ยท xmtp/libxmtp ยท GitHub Pass in a list of content types you want to be included. Next up reaction content type.
- [Dakota] - Conversation stitching is almost done. A new thing called a worker handle. Be able to wait for things to process. An issue open to clear the timeout if a sync group is available.
- [Jha] - Get address from inbox ID state: Add doc about how to get an address from an inbox ID by jhaaaa ยท Pull Request #113 ยท xmtp/docs-xmtp-org ยท GitHub working on history sync docs.
- [Mojtaba] - Forked group issue merged! feat(conversations): create conversation list with last message by mchenani ยท Pull Request #1437 ยท xmtp/libxmtp ยท GitHub join group for messages and groups
- [Naomi] - V3 Frames, Performance, filtering consent state syncAllConversations, re-enabled history sync, hmac keys
- [Ry] - Released new sdks for browser and node for forked group state fix. Finishing up the app. Conversation management.
December 17, 2024
[Andrew] - Working on Browser streaming. Client creation performance merged. Xdbug additions.
[Cameron] - Testing fork reproductions. Testing latest changes to protect against additional fork potential. Content types improvements. Tracking - Queryable Content Types in Rust ยท Issue #1403 ยท xmtp/libxmtp ยท GitHub
[Dakota] - HMAC stuff done on libxmtp. Stream available for preference updates. Conversation stitching.
[Mojtaba] - Working on PRs for the fork issues. Mutex was not a valid solution. Fix node bindings. Join table for group and messages. To improve last message performance. And sorting groups by last message.
[Naomi] - Custom content support RN. Mobile V3 frames. History sync HMAC. SyncAll consent filtering.
[Ry] - Permissions update for Node and WASM bindings. Custom policies. Interesting limitations for custom policies. Continued work on the web app.
[Andrew] - Common crate, enables more tests for wasm, unblocks browser streams. Helping on fork and hmac.
[Cameron] - Custom Content types in V3 for RN. Tests for identity code. Queryable Content types in Rust tracking issue and first PR merged.
[Dakota] - Iโve been working on this pr. Itโs 99% done, it might be ready before check-in, but will certainly be ready this afternoon. Just cleaning it up at this point. Then one last small PR to change HMAC keys on installation revocation, and HMAC will be done.
[Jha] - Upgrade path PR - Add upgrade availability section by jhaaaa ยท Pull Request #107 ยท xmtp/docs-xmtp-org ยท GitHub
[Mojtaba] - Fork fix, two failing tests - fix(group): make MLS group thread safe #1349 by mchenani ยท Pull Request #1404 ยท xmtp/libxmtp ยท GitHub
[Ry] - Chat app work. Next week start on V3 update docj
December 10, 2024
- [Andrew] - Renamed diesel wasm sqlite to sqlite web. Still benchmarking client create. stream in browser working soon
- [Cameron] - Content types - adding support for Remote Attachment and Custom type in rust. syncAllConversations => return ids of conversations that were updated.
- [Dakota] - PR providing HMAC. p2p sync up next. comment from contributor. Issue with streaming from Converse - messages from self created group not streaming til restart. ready to re-enable history sync.
- [Jha] - Post from community - React SDK, bun compatibility (redirect to GH issue). Doc PRs - inbox ids, history sync.
- [Mojtaba] - Fork fix updates in libxmtp, more solid fix. Blocking sometimes causing failed function calls.
- [Naomi] - Sync all converconsent filtering.
- [Ry] - new xmtp.chat. Vercel app deployment cleanup. Removing CommonJS support. Frame validator updated for V3. Still need to update our frames to not use onchainkit.
December 05, 2024
- [Andrew] - Benchmarking stuff. PR in for speeding up client initialization. Fixed workflows for iOS. Added native logging. Fix the sync loop. Transaction with connection.
- [Cameron] - Content types in rust XIP. Multi attachments type XIP for coinbase. Downloading and decrypting attachments in Rust.
- [Dakota] - Unstoppable domains channel error. Starting the sync worker. Move it to the builder. GitHub issue open for HMAC V3 HMAC V3 ยท Issue #1380 ยท xmtp/libxmtp ยท GitHub
- [Jha] - Updates to group permissions documentation. https://www.notion.so/ephemerahq/Updates-to-group-permissions-docs-15030823ce92805481f4d8915e7dd693?pvs=4 Device sync history doc. https://www.notion.so/ephemerahq/Implement-Device-Sync-with-XMTP-13e30823ce9280c9bc26f5e2636e1ec3?pvs=4
- [Mojtaba] - Found root cause of forked issues. Synced with Cryspen yesterday. Talked about how to handle it with libxmtp. Making each group thread safe. https://www.notion.so/ephemerahq/Forked-Groups-Issues-What-s-Happening-and-What-s-the-Fix-15230823ce92800e9477c88546a6aff5
- [Naomi] - static can message performance integrator support
- [Ry] - Update static can message to not create a local database. Ability to create clients without encryption keys and database. Currently working through the example app. Need help getting
December 03, 2024
- [Andrew] - Writing benchmarks for identity registration and sync worker. Fixing sync worker starting. See what else I can improve for performance on create. Working browser streaming afterwards. Flaky test for group forks. Bisect showed it started flaking after the key rotation.
- [Cameron] - Super close on the first draft XIP for queriable content types. Example of working in libxmtp. Defining a content type in the proto.
- [Dakota] - Wrapped up security frames validation and HMAC
- [Jha] - Lots of docs feedback from partners and devs. InboxId doc updates. Code samples in the docs.
- [Mojtaba] - OOO
- [Naomi] - ShouldPush Reactions False, Performance issues for Coinbase, Frames.
- [Ry] - Looking into why nextjs isnt working. Putting a fix for onchainkit for v3 support. Consider dropping common js support. Web example app.
November 19, 2024
- [Andrew] - Working on XMTPDebug. Cleaning up identity generation. Syncing with Mojtaba on the forked groups issue.
- [Cameron] - Working on fork. Trace level of logs for reproduction. Just getting started on the content type work.
- [Dakota] - Private key issue for checksumAddress issue. Signing and verifying on the installation and privateKey. Consent streaming in progress.
- [Jha] - Migration guidance. Protocol concept docs. History doc. Smart contract wallets and dev call.
- [Mojtaba] - Stuck reproducing forking issue. RN test in rust. Added intensive tests to it. Putting new traces and logs in datadog. Looking where to dig more.
- [Naomi] - Dual identity, Cocoapods, Frames client.
- [Ry] - Debug the issue with browser sdk. Bindings updates coming down the pipe. Signature verification. Smart Contract Wallet.
- [Nick] - Error messages not handled correctly
November 14, 2024
- [Andrew] - Syncing a lot with Mojtaba on the P0. Working on group generation right now. XMTP debug. Force a bunch of fork situations. EOD.
- [Cameron] - Spent time on the RN fork repro. Not likely the case that happened at ENS. Draft PR repro in Rust. Filtering messages for dms to remove member added.
- [Dakota] - Fixed sync consent. And cleaned up type and purpose. Consent streaming PR is done.
- [Jha] - Take the docs from the preview branch to the live doc site. Tracking issue for open docs. Tracking issue for new and updated documentation ยท Issue #74 ยท xmtp/docs-xmtp-org ยท GitHub
- [Mojtaba] - Continued testing on libxmtp to reproduce the forking issues. Not reprocessing already processed messages. Gave cryspen a couple of tasks for not returning errors for epochs. Talked about reinit and external join.
- [Naomi] - Unblocking integrators. Reverted Dual sending PRs. Debug codec. Mismatch inboxIDs.
- [Ry] - Put in some questions on mismatched inboxId. New sdks released on API upgrades. Going to use the signer pattern.
November 12, 2024
- [Andrew] - Logging PR. Structured logging into railway. Syncing on MLS flows. XMTPDebug.
- [Cameron] - Back! Catching up on things.
- [Dakota] - Consent streaming is close for review. Setup local development in the android sdk. Use cargo NDK tool.
- [Jha] - Pure V3 docs as the docs.xmtp.org. Move V2 hybrid to a branch. Docs branches will line up with the sdks. Docs tracker https://www.notion.so/ephemerahq/13930823ce9280a8ab83e7354d403b76?v=13930823ce928138a4f8000c6e23f2ac&pvs=4
- [Mojtaba] - Working on the forking issue. Have a couple questions on the messaging processing. A few places of concern. Epoch mismatch retrying.
- [Naomi] - Halo repo implementation. V3.0.0 of RN is live. Fork reproduction.
- [Ry] - WASM desiel SQL stuff. Have a PR open to update the wasm bindings. SCW support. Fixing hopscotches issues. Browser sdk will need update as well. SCW support to node. Back on Testing for SCW.
November 7, 2024
- [Andrew] - Cargo audit PRs merged. Helping Fabri with forked group bot issue. Adding additional logging. Fixed a bug for hopscotch. Diagram of libxmtp in the works.
- [Dakota] - Consent sync PR is merged
PR open for zeroize secrets. Consent sync streaming up next.
- [Jha] -
- Here is a PR to provide the preview site and docs: Add inbox and protocol docs to XMTP V3 preview branch by jhaaaa ยท Pull Request #64 ยท xmtp/docs-xmtp-org ยท GitHub
- This is a subset of docs. More docs will be added per this tracking doc as we work to make the code, code samples, and docs compliant to the latest release.
- Here is a PR to surface access to the preview site and docs on docs.xmtp.org: Add link to preview of latest docs by jhaaaa ยท Pull Request #65 ยท xmtp/docs-xmtp-org ยท GitHub
We are aiming to make the preview site and link on docs.xmtp.org live once we have code samples for the browser SDK ready. If all goes smoothly, this should be by the end of this week.
- [Mojtaba] - Caching the wallet address inboxIds. Addressing the comments. Next up forked groups.
- [Naomi] - V3.0.0 Android released last night. V3.0.0 iOS. 3.0.0 RN Documentation for Halo.
- [Ry] - Hopscotch running into nextJS implementation. Full revamp on the nodeSDK with some streaming fixes & wasmSDK. NextJS having issues loading files that donโt exist.