Tue, June 4: Featuring a tour of XMTP network data

Meeting recording

Mint XMTP Post NFTs - DUNE IT RIGHT Edition

Meeting deck

Join the XMTP Developer Community Call

Featuring: A tour of XMTP network data

When: Tuesday, June 4 at 10 am Pacific / 1 pm Eastern

Where: https://xmtp.huddle01.com/qss-pgye-jda


:raising_hand_woman:t4: Ask XMTP Anything: A tour of XMTP network data - 20 mins

:hammer_and_wrench: Eng updates - 10 mins

:wave: Announcements and Ecosystem News - 5 mins

:technologist:t4: Dev Experience updates - 5 mins

:bulb: XMTP Improvement Proposals (XIPs) - 5 mins

Looking forward to building and learning together!

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