golang api

hello, is there an available SDK for go/ is there anywhere I can see requests I could use to create my own SDK/API. Found only JS-SDK, also not the most user-friendliest. thanks

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Hey thanks for reaching out! We don’t currently have a Go SDK or have current plans to create one. We are in the works of making a Node SDK if that might be of interest? And have a new Rust SDK which will be offering all of our new functionality including Group Chat!
If you’d like to create a goSDK yourself I’d recommend starting with our RustSDK GitHub - xmtp/libxmtp. With very minimal research it looks like you might be able to use our existing FFI bindings that we use for swift and kotlin to get it to compile down into go GitHub - mediremi/rust-plus-golang: Rust + Go — Call Rust code from Go using FFI. From their you could just call the go code directly or wrap it in a SDK like we do in our iOS and android SDK.
If you go down this path please feel free to ping me directly in GitHub @nplasterer. I probably can’t make direct contributions to the SDK right now but I can definitely help give you feedback along the way.

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You can create your own SDK/API by referencing the available documentation and existing SDKs, such as the JS-SDK.

For a starting point, you can check out the API documentation and endpoints used in the JS-SDK to understand the required requests and responses.

Thank you